Jeri Morris, Ph.D., is extensively involved in studying issues related to brain injury, PTSD, cognitive rehabilitation, and other areas of neuropsychology.
Dr. Morris has been in clinical practice for nearly 30 years, focusing on evaluating and treating those with neurological disorders and disabilities.
So your treatment should be too. Dr. Morris has successfully diagnosed thousands of people — each situation as unique as the person who was living it.
The first way the results are used is to identify what is at the heart of your problem. Think about when you get a cough and the sniffles — it’s hard to know if you have a cold, the flu, or allergies. The same thing is true with brain illnesses. A good example is memory loss: a person could lose memory skills for a variety of reasons, from infection to stroke to normal aging to Alzheimers. And those conditions must be treated in very different ways!
The clinical neuropsychologist is skilled in using your test results to get to a proper diagnosis. She will also compare your test results to the test results of other people who share similarities with your situation. This comparison is important, because it adds another layer of information which makes the diagnosis even more specific.
Once the assessment has been completed, Dr. Morris will share the results with you or your other treatment team members, which will help them in providing more effective medical care, managing prescriptions, and referring you to specialists if necessary. In addition, the clinical neuropsychologist may recommend psychological counseling.
If you, or a member of your family, has experienced an injury, is not developing and thriving, is facing a major surgery, or appears to have lost some of their memory or cognitive ability, as your doctor about getting an evaluation from a clinical neuropsychologist. While it is certainly possible for you to make an appointment, it is very useful (and most common) for the clinical neuropsychologist and medical care-giver to work together on a treatment plan.
© 2018. Dr. Jeri Morris.
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